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Winter Vibes in the Studio


Are you keeping warm in this arctic blast, or are you feeling the chill? I'm always feeling the chill during the winter months... I don't think I was made for cold weather. But I muddle through, and what helps me are thoughts of spring and what's to come. I feel like if I have something to look forward to, then I can get through just about anything.

Thankfully it's cozy here in the studio with my furry co-workers. The sun is bright through my windows, and if I close my eyes I can almost imagine it wasn't in the single digits when I awoke this morning.

This week has found me on my computer more than usual, reworking my old website into a new and updated version of itself. A new look with an updated feel. Fresh start for a new year.

It was hard to get motivated at first mostly because I don't love spending so much time on my laptop, but after a nudge from a friend and a little positive thinking, I was able to get started.

Aside from that, I've been working on a new painting full of small elements that I plan on using to design some notecards. I really wanted to have it available as a Valentine's Day offering, but alas sometimes life gets in the way and I am unsure that I can pull it off by then. Never the less, you can look forward to this upcoming addition to shop.

While painting this piece, I couldn't help but feel that it would also make a charming fabric design. Many moons ago I did some work on Spoonflower, a website that allows artist to design their own fabric designs... however I stopped for whatever reason, honestly it was so long ago I don't even remember! But I am feeling a pull to move in this direction once again, so stay tuned!


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